Graduation Session

Cap and Gown Sessions in Worcester, MA

Cap and Gown Sessions in Worcester, MA

Cap and gown sessions are a great way to celebrate graduation. I am a graduation photographer based in Worcester, MA who offers cap and gown sessions all around Worcester county.

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Cap and Gown Photography in Worcester, MA

Cap and Gown Photography in Worcester, MA

Cap and gown sessions are a great way to celebrate graduation. I am a graduation photographer based in Worcester, MA who offers cap and gown sessions all around Worcester county.

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Class of 2020: Talk about a Rip-off

Class of 2020: Talk about a Rip-off

The Class of 2020 learned a rough lesson about how fast things can change. They were robbed of important moments that most of us take for granted. A few weeks ago I had the privilege of tagging along as this group of friends celebrated their graduation in their own way at the Foundation Field in Shrewsbury, MA.

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